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2025 Capital Campaign

"Commit to the Lord whatever you do and He will establish your plans."  Proverbs 16:3

We are excited to announce the launch of our Capital Campaign, a crucial step in realizing the vision outlined in our 2020 Strategic Plan. This campaign will fund key expansion projects, including the development of a new waterpark, enhancements to our recreation offerings, the construction of the Smith Leadership Center, renovation of our vintage cabins, and the creation of additional hotel-style rooms and staff housing. We will also renovate the chapel to better serve our community. By investing in these projects, you will be helping us fulfill the mission God has set before us and create a lasting impact for future generations.

Creating a Plan
for the Future

Glen Lake Camp strives to create an environment where authentic relationships are formed. We need your help to continue to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.



In 2019, a comprehensive strategic plan was developed for Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center by KALEIDOSCOPE, inc., in collaboration with Callahan & Freeman Architects and a task force of Glen Lake staff and board members. This plan was aimed at ensuring sustainable growth and operational success. Through extensive research, analysis, and collaboration, five key areas were identified to enhance the camp’s mission. Since then, Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center has made significant strides in implementing these enhancements that support the five areas identified in the 2019 strategic plan:

  • Update Summer Camp and Growth Model: The updated model is in place, enhancing programming and growth.

  • Create a Leadership Development Model: The Internship and ELI programs were created and provide structured pathways for young leaders.

  • Board Development: A strong, committed board has been built, fully invested in the camp’s mission.

  • Retreat Program Expansion: Several retreat offerings have been enhanced, with more to come.

  • Develop a Nature Exploration Area: A pavilion has been completed, with expanded programming now possible on the hill.

Alongside the strategic plan, in 2020 an informed, detailed master plan outlining key facility initiatives for future expansion and improvements was created.

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Waterpark & Central Green Development

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The current waterpark was designed and built in 1994 and has provided memories for thousands of campers and guests of Glen Lake. It is often the first element that excites young people as they consider a trip to Glen Lake Camp. A recreational pool is critical for the spring, summer, and fall ministry of Glen Lake Camp and serves as a physical location for incredible ministry opportunities through relationships with campers and guests.


The replacement of our waterpark is the priority in our renovation and will ensure our camp can provide a great experience for our campers and retreat participants. The impact of this type of facility is both recreational and relational. This new space will create opportunities for children, youth, and adults to enjoy water activities at the pool, but also provide a gathering space for the people to connect and share time together. This new addition will also enable the camp to remain relevant to the camp and retreat center ministry for years to come.


  • 40’x75’ recreation pool with zero entry and area for slide

  • lazy river

  • pool house

  • black wrought iron fence surrounding park

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Program Areas

Develop Unique Attractions

As part of the strategic plan, we have built a pavilion to provide shade, restrooms, and a place to gather up at the cross. The upper part of the property is a beautiful, wooded area with views that overlook the river and camp. Campers hike to the cross where they can spend time before returning to the main camp. As we continue to develop this area for better use, we have plans for campers and retreat groups to spend extended time there.


Other Unique Attractions to add to camp are:

  • A lean-to on the side of the MAC (Miller Activity Center) for Pickleball and other activities

  • Extended Hiking Trails

  • Mountain Biking

  • A Larger Zipline to get more campers through

Smith Leadership Center

The Smith Building (originally built as a dining hall) will be renovated to serve as a Leadership Center supporting the strategic initiative of creating an intentional leadership development model. The facility will provide space for volunteer leaders, summer staff leaders, retreat leaders, and the ELI program. The main, large meeting room will provide space for large gatherings and training events. A small meeting and planning room will be available for volunteer leaders. An intern office will provide space for a program office for yearround leaders. A seasonal staff lounge with an outdoor area will serve summer staff. At the front of the building, a covered front porch will be added to provide shade.

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Vintage Cabins Renovations

Glen Lake Camp’s original cabins, lovingly referred to as Vintage Cabins, are all set up with different configurations, none of which is ideal. Each Vintage Cabin has 2 toilets, 2 showers, and 1-2 sinks. Space and Privacy are limited. The master plan proposes updating the restroom in each cabin. We have already renovated one cabin and are excited to update the others.

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New Lodging

New Leader Lodge

A new leader lodge in the same style and format as the MMC (Hunt-Francis Marriage Ministry Center) is proposed adjacent to Graham Lodge (noted on the map below). The new Leader Lodge, complete with a common area for gathering & six new bedrooms each with its own private bathroom, would provide flexibility for retreat groups needing housing for speakers or group leaders. This would increase the number of bedrooms for family programming to 14 on-site. This includes the Leader Lodge (6), the MMC (6), and Paluxy (2).

Future Staff Housing

As noted on the map, we have adequate space up on the hill (or at the top of the property) to develop future staff housing. This will allow us to increase housing for year-round and summer staff and create opportunities for community building.

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Chapel Renoation & Expansion

The Avinelle McWirter Ogle Chapel will be large enough for all guests being hosted on the property. By removing the two side walls, two additions will expand the chapel on each side, increasing the full space.

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Check Out Our Progress

Turner & Siceloff Renovations

Turner Hall

Turner Hall has seen a lot of changes over its past as one of the main buildings at Glen Lake Camp. It has served as the recreation building, the craft building, a meeting space, and offices, just to name a few. It is also home of Turner Steps, where campers gather each night during the summer to reflect on the day and all of the ways that God has been encountered while at camp. Turner porch continues to be a space of calm and respite for all who seek it. Continuing its importance to our mission and vision, Turner Hall has been renovated to allow for flexibility using multi-functional space for groups and summer camp. Internal access to bathrooms has been completed, as well as updating the media capabilities of the space. The original fireplace has been resurfaced and serves as the main focal point when entering Turner Hall.

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Siceloff Hall

Siceloff is beginning to see some changes as well. New HVAC and a gathering space, as well as upgraded media capabilities, are just a few of the upgrades that are happening in Siceloff, with more to come. The stage area will be flipped which will allow for more storage space and internal access to bathrooms. The feel and aesthetics will still be purely Siceloff, but with a few new upgrades to allow the space to continue to hold fun and function for generations to come.


Ways to Give

Glen Lake Camp is a holy place where God meets children, youth, young adults, and adults as they grow in their faith and seek to be disciples. As we begin this Capital Campaign, we hope to hear your Glen Lake Camp story as a camper, counselor, or supporter. We are inviting you to consider joining us in prayer and investment in the future of Glen Lake Camp and Retreat Center.


For more information, please contact Daran Miller, Executive Director, at or 254-897-2247.



1102 NE Barnard St. 
Glen Rose, Texas 76043


P. 254-897-2247



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